Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Dq 8-Sheila Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dq 8-Sheila - Essay Example Thus, a knowledge worker information system is the combination of data, computer hardware and software and processes that the knowledge worker uses to arrive at decisions in the course of their worker. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the importance of the knowledge worker information system, together with its relevant aspects, in the work of the knowledge worker and to the organization that employs the knowledge worker as a whole. In todays competitive business environment, information is a major success factor for an organization(Brinkley, Fauth, Mahdon, & Theodoropoulou, 2013). For instance, the marketing manager needs information on the plans and actions of their competitors. These have an effect on whether or not a company succeeds. At the same time, the manager must ensure that their information system is secure and cannot be hacked into by rivals. Thus, a good knowledge worker information system must take into consideration the security of the system. Privacy is an important element of a good information system(Petter, DeLone, & McLean, 2013). The users of an information system should not worry about their personal and secret information getting into the wrong hands. This is especially important in the so-called Information Age in which cybercrime is rampant. For instance, a professor who uses Skype to deliver their lectures does not wish to have their personal information leak to their students. A proper information system can deliver useful information when it is needed(Hsu, Chu, Lin, & Lo, 2014). This is crucial because some of the decisions that the knowledge worker makes are urgent yet they far-reaching implications for the organization. For example, a production manager whose organization uses just-in-time delivery of raw materials risks losing a customer if the information system fails to inform the supplier of the need to deliver raw

Monday, October 28, 2019

Irish Family Law Essay Example for Free

Irish Family Law Essay Discuss some of the key provisions and principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child. Include an example of Irish law or police that complies /does not comply with the States obligations under the convention. Introduction This essay will look at some of the key provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and discuss Ireland’s progress in fulfilling their obligation under the UNCRC. The author will reflect briefly on the history of children’s rights in Ireland. The essay will consider what measures the state has taken to develop strategies and policies to improve the wellbeing of the children. Recent government initiatives will be explored will be explored to assess whether the UN Convention has been implemented into National Policy. The author will also consider the legal framework to gauge if Irish legislation as it stands today complies with the states obligations under the convention. Historical Perspective Attitudes towards children and their rights have changed dramatically in recent years; these changes have been slow to come about. Historically children were deemed the property of their parents and had no rights. In the late 1800’s, events abroad began to have an impact on attitudes if Ireland. The 1908 children’s act Britain and Ireland remained the main piece of legislation safeguarding children’s rights for almost one hundred years until the Irish Child Care Act 1991. The United Nations was set up in 1945 after the Second World War to promote peace and human rights. In 1989, it was decided that children needed a separate set of rights to ensure that children worldwide were nurtured, protected and allowed to enjoy childhood. In 1990, Ireland signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and ratified it in September 1992 thereby committing the state to implementing the UNCRC. The UNCRC is based on four core principles, the best interest of the child, the right to life survival and development, respect for the views of the child and non-discrimination. Article 3.1 of UNCRC states ‘In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies the best interest of the child shall be a primary consideration’. Legislation The Child Care Act 1991 is the legislative framework in Ireland for promoting the welfare of the child. This legislation deals primarily with the protection of children in emergencies, or in care. The Childcare Act 1991 Part II, places a statutory onus the HSE to promote the welfare of children in need of care and protection. The 1991 Act also gave the HSE more power to provide childcare and family support services and while doing so must have regard to the following: ‘It is generally in the best interest of the child to be brought up in his or her own family. Having regard to the rights and duties of the parents, the welfare of the child is the first and paramount consideration and that as far as is practicable, the wishes of the child should be considered† (Childcare Act 1991). Part II of The childcare act implements the principle of the best interest of the child in law. The wording in part II of the childcare act would also appear to comply with Article 5 of the UNCRC requiring that ‘Governments respect the right of parents of provide for and care for their children’. Under the Irish Constitution, which is the fundamental law of the land, the family is based on the institution of marriage; only married parents have automatic rights to guardianship of their children. The rights of unmarried parents, in particular fathers are not considered under Irish law, consequently the rights of their children are being contravened. This is in contradiction with Article 18 of the UNCRC, which requires ‘State parties to recognise that both parties have equal responsibility for the care and development of their children. Article 7.1 states that the child †¦has the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents†, while Article 9 requires â€Å"state parties to ensure that a child will not be separated from his parents against the ir will†¦Ã¢â‚¬  UNCRC (1989). Irish law makes it impossible for many children to realise these rights. In the case of unmarried parents, only the mother has automatic right to guardianship. The father must have the consent of the mother or pursue his rights to guardianship through the courts. Article 41 and 42 of the Constitution provides protection for the family unit based on marriage; it does not give individual rights and is more about protecting the institution of marriage than the family. The children of unmarried parents are not afforded the same protection under Article 41 and 42. Under the Irish Constitution as it currently stands, Ireland is not compliant with the UN convention. The constitution, in many cases, denies children of unmarried parents the right to be cared for by both parents. Article 3 .3 of the UN Convention calls for all ‘services and facilities responsible for the care and protection of children to conform to the standards established by competent authorities’. UNCRC (1989) . In 2006 The Child Care (Pre-School Services) Regulations 1996 were revised and replaced by the Child Care (pre-school Services) (No 2) Regulations. The 2006 regulations are more child centred and focus on the health, welfare and development of the child. These regulations are the regulatory framework within which all-early years services must operate in Ireland. Through a vigorous system of inspection, compliance with the pre-school regulations is monitored by the HSE to ensure that all Early Years services meet the minimum standards required by law. The Child Care (Pre School Services) Regulations implement the UN Convention in Irish Law. National Policy Since Ireland ratified the UN Convention in 1992 there have been numerous changes in policy, showing the Irish Government’s commitment to implementing the UNCRC. In 1999, Children First National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of children was published by the Department of Health and Children. These guidelines highlight the importance of child welfare and are intended to provide a framework for all those who care for and work with children. Children First is based on the key principle that the best interest s of the child is paramount. These guidelines implement the best interest of the child and Article 19 of the UN Convention into National Policy. In 2006, the Committee on The Rights of The Child (CRC) recommended that Ireland review the Children First guidelines and consider putting them on a statutory basis CRC (2006). The guidelines were revised in 2011 to include new policy, legislation and organisation. at the time of the launch of the new guidelines in 2011, the government announced its intention to put the Children First Guidelines on statutory footing, it will then a legal requirement to report concerns regarding a threat a child’s welfare Nuig (2012). In 1997, the Irish Government made a commitment that a National Childcare Strategy would be developed and an expert working group on Childcare was charged with developing that strategy. Despite Ireland’s commitment to the UN Convention, prior to this there was no national policy on children. The National Children’s Strategy 2000-2010 set three National Goals: to listen to children, think more about what children need and act for children in a holistic sense National Children’s Strategy Our Children-Their Lives (2000). Finally, Ireland was moving towards implementing the UN Convention into National Policy. For the first time children were asked about what they thought they needed and what they would like see happen for them in the future in Ireland. This fulfilled the states obligation under Article 12 of the UN Convention, which requires that ‘State Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own view the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child’ UNCRC (1989). Two thousand five hundred children were involved in these consultations; their responses identified a need for more play and recreation opportunities National Children’s Strategy (2000). In response to these consultations and to honour the states commitment to the UN Convention Article 31 which requires state parties ‘to recognise the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child’ the government launched Ready, Steady, Play! A National Play Policy in 2004. The objectives of the National Play Policy were to give children a voice, to raise awareness of the importance of play and to improve and maximise the quality and safety of play areas particularly in disadvantaged areas National Play Policy (2004-2008). In 2009 Sà ­olta, the National Quality Framework and Aistear the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework were rolled out. Sà ­olta looks at quality provision and underpins the child’s right to have a voice, recommending that ‘each child has opportunities to make choices, is enabled to make decisions and has his /her choices and decisions respected’ CECDE (1999). Aistear promotes partnerships with parents and play NCCA (2009). Together with Regulation 5 of the Child Care (Pre School Services) (No.2) Regulations 2006 Sà ­olta and Aistear use the Whole Child Perspective to ensure the holistic development of the child while implementing the UN Convention into practice on a daily basis. It is evident that the Irish State is committed to implementing the UN Convention into Irish Law. The legislation introduced in recent years goes some way towards implementing children’s rights into law. In this authors opinion the main obstruction to Ireland’s compliance under the convention is the Irish constitution in its present form. All legislation is subject to the Constitution; therefore, any legislation introduced around child protection or welfare must be compatible with the Constitution. In 2006, the Committee on the rights of the child recommended that Ireland ‘takes further action to incorporate the Convention into domestic law’ CRC (2006). It is this author’s opinion that changes will have to be made to the constitution to separate the rights of the child from those of the family. Many of the policies such as The National Childcare Strategy, The National Play Policy and Children First all underpin the right of the child as outlined in UN Convention. However these policies take the form of guidelines or frameworks, they are not part of the legislation. Following the recommendations of the CRC (2006), it is hoped that the Children First Guidelines will be put on a statutory footing ensuring mandatory reporting of child neglect and abuse. This would help safeguard future generations of Irish children from neglect and abuse. Reference List †¢Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education (2006) Sà ­olta The National framework for Quality in Early Childhood Care and Education. Dublin: Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education. †¢Child Care Act 1991 †¢Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2011) Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children, Government Publication: Dublin Available at: First.pdf †¢Ireland, Government of (1937) Bunreacht Na hÉireann, Constitution of Ireland. Dublin: Stationery Office. †¢Ireland, Government of (2000) National children’s Strategy, Dublin: The Stationery Office. †¢Ireland, Government of (2006) Child Care Pre-School Services NO 2 Regulations 2006 and child Care Pre-School Services No 2 Amendment Regulations 2006. Dublin: The Stationary Office. †¢National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, (2004) Aistear the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework. Dublin: National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. †¢National Play Policy (2004) Ready Steady Play! [Online]. Available at: http/ (Accessed 20 January 2012). †¢Nui Galway (2011) Quality Awareness in Early Learning, Galway: Nui Galway. †¢Nui Galway (2012) The Child and Family in Irish Law, Galway: Nui Galway. †¢UN committee on the rights of the Child (CRC) (2006) UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Concluding Observations, Ireland, 29 September 2006, [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 14 January 2012. †¢United Nations (1989) Convention of the Rights of the Child [Online].Available at: http// 17 January 2011)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free Great Gatsby Essays: Point of View :: Great Gatsby Essays

Importance of Point of View in The Great Gatsby  Ã‚   In novels containing interweaving plot and varying scenes, the author's selection of point of view becomes a primary factor in its impact and effectiveness. The Great Gatsby is such a novel which demonstrates this point most evidently.   While Fitzgerald's decision to view the plot through the eyes of Nick Carraway presents certain limitations, it provides the means to relate the tone and message of the novel as whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   F. Scott Fitzgerald would be the first to admit that his masterpiece was not without flaws.   In a letter written to Edmund Wilson, he criticized what he understood to be the novel's "BIG FAULT."   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I gave no account of (and had no feeling about or knowledge of) the emotional relationship   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   between Gatsby and Daisy from the time of their reunion to the catastrophe. Undoubtedly, this constraint on detailed development was imposed almost solely by point of view.   Because Fitzgerald lays out the plot through the prospective of one essential character, intimacy between any other group of characters is lost or can only be hinted at.   Somewhat of a haze surrounds these important relationships, as Nick and in turn the reader are blind to the details of their occurrence.   In the case of Gatsby and Daisy, some of the power that backs Gatsby's dream is never presented.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Such a situation is somewhat relieved, however, by integration of dialog.   Not only does this aspect of of Fitzgerald's point of view thoroughly describe the other character of the novel, but also it keeps the credibility of the narrator in check.   Who is to say that Nick Carraway is to be the readers' only insight to the affluent world of Long Island during the 1920's?   He himself admitted to being far from perfect; even "vulnerable."   By providing the reader with a chance to judge the importance, purpose, and mission of each character, less time is spent analyzing the credibility of the narrator and more is devoted to understanding Fitzgerald's statement as a whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Great Gatsby, this is a message that would be lost if it were not for the selected point of view.   Fitzgerald, through what Nick perceives and the changes he undergoes, comments specifically on the society of the time.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Covingtons Conviction of Serpent Handling Essay -- Biography

In Salvation on Sand Mountain, the emotional frustrations, cultural hypotheses, and literary images provide insight into the ethics of the author, Dennis Covington. During his dangerous undertakings while submerged in the religious practices of Appalachia, Covington incites anxiety within the reader when discussing worship services involving snakes, and inquisitorial thought when revealing the number of casualties involved, in turn showcasing his own passions and morality. Covington’s rectitude, goodwill, and intelligence all play important roles in revealing his ethos. Subsequently, they also exemplify his argument: No obstacle can conquer one’s religious devotion. Covington’s intellect boasts a curious ambition to solve the secrets of the Appalachia through factual data and personal inquiries. â€Å"Their first church in town burned to the ground† Covington explains, â€Å"They suspected arson, but charges were never brought†¦they moved to other locations†¦neighbors complained of the noise. Wherever the handlers relocated, tires got slashed and windows broken† (25). By presenting facts about the trouble the snake-handlers dealt with, Covington reveals how steadfast they are in their religious faith. The serpent-handlers’ strong devotion has turned into a tainted reputation for some, such as Glenn Summerford. Curious to hear Glenn’s version of why he was put in jail for ninety-nine years, Covington interviews him. When asked about his wife, Darlene, Summerford simply states that when she was â€Å"living right, she drank [poison]† (50). Faced with a lifetime sentence in a jail cell, Summerford shows no remorse, and instead criticizes his wife, whom he attempted to murder, for not living by the word of God. Glenn Summerford’s testimonial is a ... ... person, yet theirs remain unconquered. As we analyze Covington’s rhetoric, we can see the manifestation of an ethos that follows a strong ethic code, a powerful intellectual prowess, and a devoted righteousness towards the confusing, yet strong-willed worshipers of serpent handling. As Covington explains it, â€Å"There are moments when you stand on the brink of a new experience and understand that you have no choice about it. Either you walk into the experience or you turn away from it, but you know that no matter what you choose†¦there will be consequences† (2). For the followers of serpent handling, these experiences are always pursued. These consequences, such as broken windows, burning churches, murder allegations, or desperate pursuits of the Holy Ghost, all have laid the foundation for Covington’s argument, that no obstacle can conquer one’s religious devotion.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Scientific Glass Case

In the case study of Scientific Glass case, the production, distribution and inventory management systems of the company Scientific Glass case have been discussed. Scientific Glass Inc, is a mid-sized company which was growing at a fast pace. The company is trying to resolve its inventory management issues as it is blocking a lot of working capital hindering the growth and expansion of the organization.This case study critically analysis the various alternatives for improving the inventory management system. The proposed alternatives have been evaluated and a final conclusion has been drawn. The case analysis has been divided into 3 sections. In the first section the issues that the company is facing have been highlighted. In the second section, the issues have been analysed and finally in the last section the various proposed alternatives have been discussed thus arriving at a conclusion.IssuesThe company was facing some serious inventory and financial issues which was hindering the growth and expansion of the company. 1) The executives had identified a disturbing trend. The inventory balances were increasing substantially, which was blocking the capital required for the growth of the company. 2) The company has exceeded its target debt to capital ratio of 40%. 3) The company was focussing on increasing the customer fill rate to 99% and maintain it at the expense of high inventory levels and thus exhausting the financial resources. 4) The rules with respect to maximum inventory levels were violated by the warehouse managers and sales executives, but no strict action was taken in order to prevent it.Analysis of the issuesIn the year 2008, the company initiated an effort to improve the customer fill rates by placing more products closer to large customer concentrations by increasing the number of warehouses operated by the company. The fill rate of the company at the time was 93% and the company aimed to increase it to 99%. However, as a result, the warehouse ma nagers began ordering more than the requirement in order to ensure fulfilment of the target for their region. This action increased the inventory levels to a large extent thus blocking the capital and increasing the overage costs. The company’s warehouse network had been expanded in order to expedite the delivery time.Hence, inventory levels had to be maintained in each of these warehouses to meet the company’s fill rate expectation. Although the company’s policy mandated that no warehouse could maintain more than a 60 day supply, the policy was often violated. Moreover, the trunk stock allocated to individual sales representatives counted against this total. In effect, the employees were not working purely in the interest of the organization. Rather the warehouse managers were more concerned how to maintain the high delivery levels of their own warehouse. And the sales executives did not want to bring down their trunk stock levels.Hence, the bigger picture of e fficient inventory management and effective funds utilization while maintaining a high fill rate was being lost. Hence, it was imperative for the company to modify its policies of inventory management and be stricter in order to ensure that they are being adhered to. The company also needs to work upon strategies to reduce the shipment and delivery costs without bringing down its fill rate.Alternative OptionsAs can be observed, the company never emphasized too much on reducing the inventory costs until it started facing financial crunch inhibiting its expansion plans. Prior to that, it was more concerned with increased sales and customer satisfaction. However, the executives realized they will neither be able to increase sales nor maintain customer fill rate without addressing the inventory issues. Hence, they came up with some new ideas after a lot of brainstorming. The distribution network had to be modified to make the inventory management system more effective. This could be ach ieved in primarily two ways. Change in the warehouse structureChange in the existing policies or implementation of new ones Warehouse StructureIn order to change the warehouse structure the options of centralization, outsourcing were considered as opposed to the existing structure of decentralization. Decentralized Structure with 8 warehouses: No changes would be required and the regional warehouses would supply their respective territories except in case of stock outs. Centralization with one warehouse: Centralize the North American warehousing with one warehouse in Waltham by closing down the regional warehouses.In this way, the inventory requirements could be pooled to meet the demand. Centralization with two warehouses: The demands of the West and the East could be pooled respectively and supplied from warehouses in each of these regions. Outsourcing: Outsourcing the inventory function to Global Logistics who would be responsible for warehousing, inventory management, and order fulfilment (including picking, packing and shipping). This would enable the company employees to focus more on sales and expansion of the company while ensuring that the inventory management is in able hands.Policy ChangesSome policy changes were proposed as an outcome of the brainstorming session: Sufficient inventories only to meet customer fill rate of 99% and avoid surplus inventory Discontinuation of trunk stock maintenance by sales executives Daily reports and weekly summaries of inventory movement for every warehouse Periodic physical audits and control procedures for all warehouse stocksEvaluation of the Alternative OptionsThe alternative options proposed can be evaluated on the following grounds: Inventory Levels: The inventory levels to be maintained should be sufficient to abide by the policy of 99% customer fill rate. There is no mention of ordering cost, hence that need not be taken into account while determining the inventory level. Since each of the warehouse managers would prefer to keep an extra buffer, the inventory level increases with the increase in the number of warehouses. Hence, with respect to this parameter, the lesser the number of warehouses, the lower is the cost. Hence, Centralization and Outsourcing can be considered as good options.Delivery Time: The Company had an efficient delivery system where the products were ready for shipment within 3 days except in the case of stock outs. This was applicable for 1 warehouse, 2 warehouses or 8 warehouses. After that, the Winged Fleet ensured shipment to the client within 3 days at most. However, the new shipment company being considered Global Logistics offered an additional facility of 1 day premium delivery apart from the 3 day regular shipment. This facility could be considered as a differentiating factor and provide and added advantage to the company. This option would also include 2 warehouses one in Waltham and the other in Atlanta, thus ensuring minimum stock outs.Operating Costs: The operations manager suggested that the company would need to spend around $10M to replace the worn out equipment and produce stock sufficient enough to satisfy the future sales growth. This $10M can be assumed to be distributed across the 8 warehouses. Hence, with the decrease in the number of warehouses, the expected cost would come down. Hence, centralization or outsourcing would be a better option in this respect. Moreover, with outsourcing the sales force also need not be maintained by the company and hence the cost of sales force will be nil. FillRate: The Company has a policy to maintain 99% customer fill rate which is much higher than the industry average of 92%.SG is trying to achieve this at the cost of blocked working capital, thus inhibiting the growth and expansion. However, SG can work towards bringing down the FillRate without compromising on the customer satisfaction levels. Given the underage and overage cost as 10% of gross margin and .6 % of unit cost respective ly he FillRate for the two typical products has been calculated for in house warehousing and outsourcing. From the result it can be concluded that the FillRate on outsourcing inventory management to Global Logistics is higher than in-house inventory management.These figures indicate two things. Firstly, if the company is ready to lower the fill rate of 99%, the outsourcing fill rate of 96% is higher than the current structure. This would lead to higher inventory levels and thus higher costs. On the other hand, if the company sticks to its 99%, the inventory cost on outsourcing would be lower. Additionally the company can opt for different fill rates for different products and thereby reduce the inventory cost for some of its products.Shipment cost: The total shipping cost on outsourcing inventory management to Global Logistics turns out to be $26.25. If the company went with the current system of decentralization with 8 warehouses, the cost turns out to be $20.60. If SG centralizes warehousing with one warehouse in Waltham and uses Winged Fleet as its shipment company, the cost turns out to be $23.60. From this perspective, GL seems to be a more expensive option and decentralization seems to be the best option.Miscellaneous: If the company outsourced its inventory management to Global Logistics, the company’s senior managers would be able to focus more on increasing sales, understanding emerging customer needs, and developing the next generation of the firm’s products. Additionally the company need not be concerned about the warehouse managers’ tendency of maintaining more than 60 day supply, as the warehouse management would be under GL. However, the negative side of outsourcing is that the goods have to be shipped from Waltham to Atlanta before delivery. As far as the policy changes are concerned, the sales executives should be allowed to maintain trunk stock as it might decrease the time responsiveness.ConclusionFrom the above parameter s, outsourcing and central warehousing are favourable options in some cases, where as decentralizing is favourable in others. With respect to the inventory levels and operating costs, centralization is a very good alternative. This includes both internal warehousing and outsourcing. However, if we look at the delivery time, outsourcing gives an added advantage with the 1 day premium shipment facility provided by the Global Logistics. The Fill Rate factor favours outsourcing only in case the company sticks to the policy of 99%.The outsourcing to GL, also provides the advantage in quantitative terms such as additional time for the senior executives to concentrate on growth and expansion rather than be involved in the nitty gritties of inventory management. The shipment cost decreases with the increase in the number of warehouses, i.e. with decentralization compared to outsourcing or centralization. From the above points, it can be observed that most of the parameters are in favour of outsourcing the inventory management to Global Logistics.In addition to the above discussed alternative of centralization, decentralization and outsourcing, SG can also consider the option of appointing established distributors with  good infrastructure at a zonal level. This would relieve the company of managing regional level wareshouses, at the same time reducing the operating costs of warehouse management. The company would be able to dedicate additional funds for expansion. The distributors would not stock additional inventory than required to meet the 99% customer fill rate, as it would block its own capital. Being a regional player, the distributors would have better control and knowledge of the market.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rodney Dangerfields Best One-Liners

Rodney Dangerfields Best One-Liners Rodney Dangerfield had captured the minds of his audience with his ribald, in-your-face humor. Dangerfield expired on October 6, 2004, and his death created a void. It is almost difficult to smile at jokes, but his quotes remind us that laughter is the essence of life. So lets go on with the memory of the legendary comedian while we read  Rodney Dangerfield  quotes. General Humor People say fish is good for a diet. But fish should never be cooked in butter. Fish should be cooked in its natural oils - Texaco, Mobil, Exxon... Acting deals with very delicate emotions. It is not putting up a mask. Each time an actor acts he does not hide; he exposes himself. Men who do things without being told draw the most wages. I bought a new Japanese car. I turned on the radio... I dont understand a word theyre saying. I bought a perfect second car... a tow truck. I have three kids, one of each. I have nothing but troubles with my car. Every Sunday I take my family out for a push. Boy  what a hotel that was. Why, they stole my towel! I was so depressed that I decided to jump from the tenth floor. They sent up a priest. He said, On your mark... What a dog I got, he found out we look alike, so he killed himself. Childhood Oh, when I was a kid in show business I was poor. I used to go to orgies to eat the grapes. When I was a kid my parents moved a lot, but I always found them. I came from a real tough neighborhood. I bought a waterbed and found a guy at the bottom of it. I came from a real tough neighborhood. In the local  restaurant,  I sat down and had  broken  leg of lamb. I came from a real tough neighborhood.  Why,  every time I shut the window, I hurt somebodys fingers. I was so ugly my mother used to feed me with a  sling shot. I had plenty of pimples as a kid. One day I fell asleep in the library. When I woke up, a blind man was reading my face. In the school I went to, they asked a kid to prove the law of gravity and he threw the teacher out of the window. I came from a real tough neighborhood. On my street, the kids take hubcaps†¦ from moving cars. I came from a real tough neighborhood. Once, a guy pulled a knife on me. I knew he wasnt a professional; the knife had butter on it. Family My cousin is gay; in school while other kids were dissecting frogs, he was opening flies. My cousin is gay; he went to London only to find out that Big Ben was a clock. My cousin is gay; I always tell him that in our family tree, hes in the fruit section. I looked up my family tree and found three dogs using it. My kid wants to be a prison warden when he grows up so he can put thumb tacks on the electric chairs. One time my whole family played hide and seek. They found my mother in Pittsburgh! With my old  man  I got no respect. I asked him, How can I get my kite in the air? He told me to run off a cliff. My old man, I told him Im tired of running around in circles. So he nailed my other foot to the floor. When I was born, the doctor came out to the waiting room and said to my father, Im very  sorry. We did everything we could. But he pulled through. I come from a stupid family. During the Civil War  my great uncle fought for the West. I could tell that my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio. I come from a stupid family. My father worked in a bank. They caught him stealing pens. I looked up my family tree and found out I was the sap. When my old man wanted sex, my mother would show him a picture of me. Im so ugly - my father carries around a picture of the kid who came with his wallet. Boy,  is my wife stupid! It takes her an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes. My daughters no bargain either. In public  school  she was voted most likely to conceive. Age Last year my birthday cake looked like a prairie fire. At twenty, a man is full of fight and hope. He wants to reform the world. When he is seventy, he still wants to reform the world, but he knows he cant. I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous†¦ everyone hasnt met me yet. Funny Incidents For two hours, some guy followed me around with a pooper scooper. The other night a mugger took off his mask and made me wear it. Last week I was walking by a cemetery, two guys came after me with shovels. It was all about money. A travel agent told I could spend seven nights in Hawaii†¦ no days, just nights. Last week, my tie caught on fire; some guy tried to put it out with an  axe. Doctors I met the surgeon general - he offered me a cigarette. I went to the doctor because Id swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills. My doctor told me to have a few drinks and get some rest. My doctor told me to watch my drinking. Now I drink in front of a mirror. And I drink too much, way too much; my doctor drew blood -  he ran a tab! I went to see my doctor. Doctor, every morning when I get up and look in the mirror... I feel like throwing up. Whats wrong with me? He said, I dont know but your eyesight is perfect. Last week I told my psychiatrist, I keep thinking about suicide. He told me from now on I have to pay in advance. Sex Im at the age where I want two girls. In case I fall asleep, they will have someone to talk to. My sex life is terrible; my wife put a mirror over the dogs bed.  Actually  she did put a mirror over our bed. She says she likes to watch herself laugh. The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less. A girl phoned me the other day and said, Come on over, theres nobody home. I went over. Nobody was home. During sex, my girlfriend always wants to talk to me. Just the other night she called me from a hotel. I once went out with this wild girl. She made French toast and got her tongue caught in the toaster. My wife only has sex with me for a purpose. Last night it was to time an egg. With girls, I dont think right. I had a date with one girl, she had mirrors all over her bedroom. She told me to come over and bring a bottle. I got Windex. Im taking Viagra and drinking prune juice - I dont know if Im coming or going. I got myself good this morning too. I did my pushups in the nude; I didnt see the mouse trap. I know the best way to get girls. I hang out at prisons and wait for parolees. I asked my wife if she enjoys a cigarette after sex and she said, No, one drag is enough. I saved a girl from being attacked last night. I controlled myself. Im a bad lover. I once caught a peeping tom booing me. Self My problem is that I appeal to everyone that can do me absolutely no good. One year they asked me to be poster boy - for birth control. You wanna  have  laughs? Do what I do. When I go through a tollbooth, I keep going. I tell the guy, The car behind me is paying for two. I found there was only one way to look thin:  hang out with fat people. My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion. He said,  okay, youre ugly too. Im so ugly... I worked in a pet shop, and people kept asking how big Id get. I was such an ugly kid†¦ when I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up. I get no respect. The way my luck is running, if I was a politician, I would be honest. I went to a freak show and they let me in for nothing. I had a good time last week. I did a show; the whole audience was midgets. I got a standing ovation - I didnt even know it! Oh, last week was a rough week. I noticed my gums were shrinking. I was brushing my teeth with Preparation H. I drink too much. The last time I gave a urine sample it had an olive in it. This morning, when I put on my underwear, I could hear the Fruit-of-the-Loom guys laughing at me. His Wife My wife has to be the worst cook. Her specialty is indigestion. One day as I came home early from work... I saw a guy jogging naked. I said to the guy, Hey buddy, why are you doing that? He said, Because you came home early. My wife made me join a bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday. I havent spoken to my wife in years. I didnt want to interrupt her. Once, somebody stole our car. I asked my wife if she saw who it was. She said, No, but I did get the license number. With my  wife,  I  dont get no  respect. I made a toast on her birthday to the best woman a man ever had. The waiter joined me. My wife had her drivers test the other day. She got 8 out of 10. The other 2 guys jumped clear. I asked him, Who said you could fool around with my wife? He said, Everybody. Ill tell you one thing, I know how to satisfy my wife in bed.  Yeah, I leave. I told my wife the truth. I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist. Then she told me the truth: that she was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers, and a bartender. My wifes not too smart. I told her  our kids were spoiled. She said, All kids smell that way. My wife has to be the worst cook. Ive got the only dog who begs for Alka-Seltzer. Theres only one thing wrong with my wifes face - it shows. †¦went to a bar for a few drinks. The bartender asked what I wanted. Surprise me, I said. So he showed me a naked picture of my wife. My wife has to be the worst cook. I dont believe meatloaf should glow in the dark. My wife has to be the worst cook. In my house, we pray after we eat. I have good looking kids. Thank goodness my wife cheats on me. I went to look for a used car and found my wifes dress in the back seat. I remember one guy gave her a good piece of his mind. Yeah, it was right after she took a good piece of his leg. My marriage is on the rocks again.  Yeah, my wife just broke up with her  boyfriend. My wifes a great driver; she once hit a deer. It was in a zoo. There is a pair of shoes on the dashboard. They belong to the last guy she hit. My wife was afraid of the dark†¦ then she saw me naked and now shes afraid of the light. Why,  her cooking is so bad that the flies pitched in to fix the screen door. I leave dental floss in the kitchen and watch the roaches hang themselves.

Monday, October 21, 2019


AFP A Long Tradition of Newsgathering : Created in 1835, Agence France-Presse is one of the three global news agencies.It is the world's oldest established news agency, founded by Charles-Louis Havas, the father of global journalism. Today, the agency continues to expand its operations worldwide, reaching thousands of subscribers (radios, TVs, newspapers, companies) from its main headquarters in Paris and regional centers in Washington, Hong Kong, Nicosia and Montevideo. All share the same goal: to guarantee a top quality international service tailored for the specific needs of clients in each region. The AFP News services cover politics, economics, international news, social and sports news from around the world. The network provides around the clock coverage. Newspapers, magazines, news agencies, TV and radio stations worldwide rely on AFP for its accurate, speedy quality reporting of world news. AFP subscribers also include many businesses, banks and government bodies. It has also, fo r many years, maintained close links with the national news agencies of all countries.AFP stand at Barcelona GSMA 2008Four regional headquarters, each responsible for the bureaus in their region, co-ordinate the work of journalists and photographers under their direction and transmit news and photographs to clients in their zone. Hundreds of news items per day; reporting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. General News comes from the world over. A significant proportion of news is from Europe where correspondents cover all European territories. AFP's presence throughout the Middle East and Africa provides thorough news coverage of these regions. Sports News covers all major national and international events.A worldwide multilingual and multimedia news agency: The agency also offers multimedia products online: text, pictures, graphics, dynamic graphics and video. AFP provides content formatted ready-for-use. The AFP brand guarantees clients editorial quality and reliability - a reputation built since the agency...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Race to the Finish essays

Race to the Finish essays When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.... This quote, said by Charles Austin Beard, can be taken in may ways. In this case the quote is being used to show how it can relate to the dark and light times of the 1930s. In this era, when blacks were thought to be weak and useless, Jesse Owens showed his strengths in the 1936 Olympics in Germany when he out ran the master race. Since Jesse Owens was black, and the master race was white, German, and wealthy; when Jesse Owens ran one of the fastest times people had ever seen everyone all around the world had to take a min. to think about if there really was a superior race (Jesse Owens Track and field Star). Jesse Owens was just one of many stars to shine in the dark. He brought the bright inspiration the world needed. Sometimes people dont realize the impression the positive influences in our lives can alter the things we achieve. For Jesse Owens there were numerous fans that influenced him as they cheered for him when he finished the race winning the gold for his country, fans, and most importantly himself (McRa 7). Although this would certainly make a huge impression on someone hearing all the applause from all the watching fans, this was just a minor influence to Jesse. The real inspiration was from the people he had known long before the 1936 Olympics. Jesse Owens found the most valuable encouragement from Joe Louis who was also a black athlete struggling against the segregation of these times. Joe Louis was the defending heavy weight boxing champion and Owens was the defending four gold medal winner so the friendship was only expected some would say, but friendship was formed as solid as a rock (Adler 15). The inspiration of one on another became the roots for the achievements. Charles Ril ey was also a great influence on Jesse Owens. Riley was an inspiration because he was not only Jesses first track coach, he was also the first whi...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Trucanini Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Trucanini Art - Essay Example The Trucanini image is one woman who is trying to come to terms with the frequent changes in the world which to her she cannot manage to change them. On the face the woman appears to have given up but the youthful beauty is still evident. The image depicts her as seated looking at the viewer with a traditional shell necklace and on her shoulders is the kangaroo skin. The photographic images were limited in the sense that by the time, the era of photography arrived in Tasmania in 1858 most of the population was dead a reason that explains why it was difficult to retrieve records. To add to this, during the colonial period there were a few artists and therefore the paintings were rare to find since they were not free to settle near the culture of civilized individuals. There were only two portfolios of Tasmian Aborigines that were known to these artists. The water color paintings would indicate women who had their hair shaved and only a circle of hair was left round the head while for the men they were bearded, unshaven hair and had no necklace. Given the poor rate of photography the power of the image of Trucanini was not portrayed well. For instance in the first portfolio, it was an amateur painting and sketch which were photographed in a squalid condition where the Trucanini are depicted as being comfortable with no hesitation. They have resigned to submit to the idea of imprisonment that was presented to them by the European colonies. No effort has been made by the photographers.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Management Accounting - Essay Example Generally, control systems guide the methods of coordination, resource allocation, motivation, performance measurement, and communication. The major purposes of a management control systems are: The informal management control system is the one where managers encounter a non-routine decision making problem or a problem that has not been encountered before and requires new information. In such a situation managers, may informally call subordinate and extract information in a relaxed manner. In the absence of a proper management control systems, employees will not be aware of the roles that they are supposed to do. There will be no information on the resources and time that is available for each activity. The employees will not be aware of the plans of the activities that are supposed to be done. A well-designed management system influences the behaviour of the employees in such as way that it is congruent with the goals and objectives of the organization. Often employees have individual goals that might be not synchronous with the organizational goals. A good management control system makes it sure that the actions taken by people to achieve their own goals also help in the achievement of organizational goals. This aspect which is called ‘goal congruence’ in accounting terms implies that the goals of the subordinates and the managers are coherent. A poor management control system will lead to confusion in the minds of employees as regards to the strategy a nd the goals of the organizations. Often messages from different sources may contradict each other. A good management control system will set out rules and minimise the possibility of such events. Management control systems and performance management are very closely linked with each other. Often the performance management systems are a part of the management control system for the organization. A poor performance management system has a lot of effects on the organization that are not

Changing an organization's culture requires that every employee Research Paper

Changing an organization's culture requires that every employee embrace change - Research Paper Example To this end, the current CEO was installed to spearhead the reform needed to address the problems and institute changes. This department has been selected to lead the reform initiative. A survey will, hence, be designed as a preliminary step to this measure. In the context of the change intervention being planned by the Human Resources, this survey will identify the potential challenges within the department from the perspective of the employees so that they can be addressed and prevented in the future. In a way, this survey will serve as an evaluation of the organizational climate for various problematic issues. This follows the principle that employees serve as the sounding board for problems and that taking time to know what they think and feel will lead to the identification of â€Å"red flags† or warning signs that include workplace safety, ethics, corporate culture, and other organizational vulnerabilities. Surveys like this tend to reveal the reality of how and whether policies and procedures are effective and beneficial. (Burke and Cooper 2004, p. 246) The feedback obtained will collectively make up the basis of the changes to be implemented and the approaches to achieve this objective. II. Complete Survey Layout The employee survey will be divided into six sections. All of these would answer the specific objectives of the survey: employee profile; the corporate culture; perception about CF&F; Quality of Benefits, services, and support; and, Open questions. The format is a typical five-level Likert scale except in the open question section, wherein respondents are free to express their thoughts. It is expected that the data that will be collected will reveal patterns that would allow the effective and successful creation and implementation of reforms. Section I: Employee Profile Important personal information that could correlate with answers and perceptions such as gender, age, educational attainment, job position, tenure, job description, and s o forth. Section II: Corporate Culture Self-description of organizational values, initiatives and policies. The following are sample questions: I identify with CF&F’s core values. Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree My colleagues treat me with respect. Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree I am willing to offer an extra amount of time and effort in order for the organization to be successful. Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree I am satisfied with the career path and opportunities offered to you at CF&F. Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Section: III: Organizational Perception This section will contain employee knowledge of organizational policies and initiatives; the employees’ perception, among others. For example: Organizational policies positively affect my work performance. Strongly Agree Disa gree Agree Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Organizational policies and strategies are clearly communicated. Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Senior management takes time to listen to me. Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Section IV: Support, Benefits, Training. The existence as well as the quality of support and services available to employees, including employee benefits,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Critical evaluation of the UK governments' reforming the law of Essay

Critical evaluation of the UK governments' reforming the law of company charge registration - Essay Example The term security interest is used in two different contexts including consensual security, which exists through contractual agreement and legal security, which exists by operation of the law. A further classification breaks the term into quasi security and real security whereby the real security is about the grant of an interest through security while quasi security is concerned with gaining of recourse against some form of proprietary interest rather than through a grant (BIS, 2011). Some of these issues were addressed by the common law based on estoppels principles and the rule in Dearle v Hal, though none of them was successful. This problem only became manageable following introduction of registration systems, which were enshrined under the Bills of Sale Acts in respect to individuals as well as Company Acts (Secured transactions in securitizations, 2009). Nevertheless, these registers could not meet the radically changing commercial environment. One of the areas that have cause d numerous problems recently includes the recognition of the consumer debtor. Although several consumer credit laws have been enacted to regulate such debtors, the major problems that have been presented in the business sector have not been surmounted, yet the Companies Act 2006 has not done enough to address the problem (McCormack, 2009). The evolution and early regulation of security Before the industrial revolution, the English economy was mostly dominated by agricultural economy which was particularly practiced in the rural areas. By then, security of interest was primarily concerned with the possession of instruments of promise and the lien was only concerned with forms of security interest that were accepted. Actually, the major way of marking the passage of property was through transfer of possession. By then, the main method of exchange was barter since the coinage had not been established. Therefore, the era, which was technologically challenged, was only left with physical dominance of property through possession as the only real way of expressing implicit ownership of property. In this system, passage of ownership through contract was unheard of since the property transfer was via physical delivery or rather the assumption of possession. From the modern perceptive, this form of description is unacceptable since it is not recognized in the legal and the economic model in which the society is based. Furthermore, if the legal system were to be entirely based upon possessory principles, then the commercial activities which are premised upon a liberally existing exchange of goods and services would be fundamentally frustrated. However, proprietary assignments in England have been recognized through possessory concepts which existed until the mid-nineteenth century (Birds, 2007). Notably, had the promissory rules remained unchecked, the modern industrialized economy could not have reached its current evolved status, which is fueled by a free supply of cre dit. Furthermore the economic growth could not have been achieved were it not for checking the susceptibility of possessory security interest. The severance of title and

Skinny women in the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Skinny women in the Media - Essay Example Skinny women in the Media It is therefore important to investigate the moral consequences of blind pursuit of dreams based on media images. The images that are actually altered on the media have led to the high rise in mental health problems and physical health deterioration. The reason why these images have gone deep into our minds is the increasing media coverage and forms. Statistical findings like with the bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a significant number of American populations spend more than half their time watching television. This is where the several body and beauty products are features as advertisement with celebrity models. Few people take their time recognize the manipulation of the media in respect of the images displayed on television or on magazine cover pages. Women are the greatest target of media as they seek to be beautiful so that they may identify with members of the society. The media has learnt this social behavior among women and has taken the opportunity to reap in profit s through posting photos of skinny women as the measure of beauty. Although this is a mere Photoshop work, the ordinary womenfolk believe in its existence and go to greater lengths seeking similar appearance. This is not naturally manageable and it is common to find variety of cosmetics and other beauty related diet requirements which the women have to buy in an attempt to achieve their objective. This works to the advantage of the misleading business community while they connive with media.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critical evaluation of the UK governments' reforming the law of Essay

Critical evaluation of the UK governments' reforming the law of company charge registration - Essay Example The term security interest is used in two different contexts including consensual security, which exists through contractual agreement and legal security, which exists by operation of the law. A further classification breaks the term into quasi security and real security whereby the real security is about the grant of an interest through security while quasi security is concerned with gaining of recourse against some form of proprietary interest rather than through a grant (BIS, 2011). Some of these issues were addressed by the common law based on estoppels principles and the rule in Dearle v Hal, though none of them was successful. This problem only became manageable following introduction of registration systems, which were enshrined under the Bills of Sale Acts in respect to individuals as well as Company Acts (Secured transactions in securitizations, 2009). Nevertheless, these registers could not meet the radically changing commercial environment. One of the areas that have cause d numerous problems recently includes the recognition of the consumer debtor. Although several consumer credit laws have been enacted to regulate such debtors, the major problems that have been presented in the business sector have not been surmounted, yet the Companies Act 2006 has not done enough to address the problem (McCormack, 2009). The evolution and early regulation of security Before the industrial revolution, the English economy was mostly dominated by agricultural economy which was particularly practiced in the rural areas. By then, security of interest was primarily concerned with the possession of instruments of promise and the lien was only concerned with forms of security interest that were accepted. Actually, the major way of marking the passage of property was through transfer of possession. By then, the main method of exchange was barter since the coinage had not been established. Therefore, the era, which was technologically challenged, was only left with physical dominance of property through possession as the only real way of expressing implicit ownership of property. In this system, passage of ownership through contract was unheard of since the property transfer was via physical delivery or rather the assumption of possession. From the modern perceptive, this form of description is unacceptable since it is not recognized in the legal and the economic model in which the society is based. Furthermore, if the legal system were to be entirely based upon possessory principles, then the commercial activities which are premised upon a liberally existing exchange of goods and services would be fundamentally frustrated. However, proprietary assignments in England have been recognized through possessory concepts which existed until the mid-nineteenth century (Birds, 2007). Notably, had the promissory rules remained unchecked, the modern industrialized economy could not have reached its current evolved status, which is fueled by a free supply of cre dit. Furthermore the economic growth could not have been achieved were it not for checking the susceptibility of possessory security interest. The severance of title and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Palagrism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Palagrism - Assignment Example Routmans assignment required her to watch a movie, and then provide an equivalent of the film to ship or port experiences. She did watch Europa Europa, and then referred to Wikipedia for proper historic wording. A day before the deadline of submitting the paper, the professor asked students who had plagiarised their work to give in. The Five of them who did were awarded zeros on their papers, but were not expelled (Laconte). Routman, however, never confessed her plagiarism since she thought she had done nothing wrong. The professor later on found out that she had borrowed several phrases Xerox to those on the online entry about the film. Routmans argument was that the words were historical features and not complete phrases as the professor claimed (Sampson). University officials disagreed with Routman, and so the case had to go through a panel. The panel found her guilty of plagiarism and expelled her from the school. She went ahead to file for an appeal, but even that, she was denied. Routman and a fellow student accused of the same were forced to disembark from the ship since they had been expelled from the university and so had no right to continue with the

Learning Agreement Essay Example for Free

Learning Agreement Essay Instructions: * There are 4 parts to a Learning Agreement. You must remember to complete every section since marks will be awarded for each section. Sections in a Learning Agreement Remarks Marks Allocated Objective(s) This is where you determine What you want to learn from a particular department 15% Strategies The Strategies is where you determine How you are going to achieve your objective(s) or where you are going to get the information required to fulfill your learning. 15% Assessor Comments You will have to submit this to your Manager(s) for their comments and signature company stamp. (When submitting this to your manager(s), you need not show them the Students Reflections, just your objectives and strategies) 5% Student Reflections This is where you develop a report on your objective(s) this is where you can also develop the learning outcomes. 65% * No part of this report may be reproduced, in any form or by any means. Work submitted based on any of the examples may be awarded no marks. AN EXAMPLE OF A LEARNING AGREEMENT Student Name : X Placement : Human Resource Department Assessor : Ms A Subject Area : Health and Safety Objective To learn and observe the health and safety regulation used in R Company for its employees Strategies for achieving the objective * Discuss with the Human Resource Manager regarding the safety procedures provided by R Company * Tour around the office to observe any hazardous condition and safety procedures implemented in R Company * Discuss with the staff on their opinion about safety in R Company Target date of completion : Y Verification by Assessor and Comments [This is where you get your Manager/Assessor to comment about your performance in the area identified above and get him/her to sign ( stamped).] Signature Stamp _________________________________________________________ Students Reflections [This is where you write in detail about your objectives.] It is important that any company to provide a safe workplace for its employees. For many companies, safety is considered to be a very minor issue, but if one were to look at it closely, it plays a very important role to ensure a safe working environment. This is because a minor negligence in safety could lead to a major disaster. R Company being a company dealing with both local and foreign customers has to always take the effort to ensure that they provide safe and secure services to its customers. It is also necessary to provide enough safety for the employees working there. In my observation on the working condition in R Company, the safety here is awfully neglected. From my personally experience, I had injured my toe more than twice during my 5 months there. This is because all the files are allocated on the floor and due to the small walking space, it is easy for anyone to kick the files and causing injury. The first reason why the files are placed on the floor is because lack of space in the file cabinets. The second reason is because of the staff themselves, they place the files that they need on the floor around the desk. A condition such as this is hazardous to the employees because it will reduce that maneuverability in the company. The staff will have difficulty walking around and might injure themselves because of the files being placed on the floor. If in any case where there is fire, the employees will tend to rush out of the office. With the files placed on the floor, someone might trip and fall. Due to the rushing of all the employees, the victim might suffer major injuries and probably death. It is always important to keep all walk space clear of any obstacle and is wide enough for people to walk safely. This is to ensure that nobody would get trip and injure themselves while working or in an emergency case. The other thing that I observed in both branches of R Company in M City and N City is that they do not have a fire exit. The fire exit of N City branch is locked and blocked with boxes of old documents and brochures. I also noticed that they do not even have any fire extinguisher placed in the office. This shows that there are no proper safety procedures for the staff when there is an emergency situation. Fire escape routes are also not set and displayed in the office. Without these safety items in the office, it can be hazardous when there is a fire situation. The employees there do not know how to react during a fire, how to vacate the building during a fire and the knowledge of any fire fighting equipment placed in the premises. When I interviewed the Human Resource Manager regarding the practice of safety for the employees, I was shocked when he told me that this issue was never discussed. This is very disappointing because I believe many companies fail to see the importance to practice a safe workplace and concern about the welfare of its employees. Even though an emergency situation is unlikely to happen in a commercial office, it is very important that the staff know what to do when an emergency situation occurs. Firstly, it is important that the staff know how to react during a fire situation. This is because a fire accident could happen anytime without warning, therefore it is better to be prepared when it does happen. To be prepared for this, the fire escape route must be cleared. The management of the company should set up and display the emergency escape route all over the office. With this information displayed, the staff would know where to go during an emergency situation. The fire escape routes should also be cleared of any obstacles. This is to ensure an easy escape path and there are no difficulties using it. The office should also be equipped with fire extinguishers to combat any fire situations. This is because in most cases, a fire disaster can be avoided if it is dealt with immediately. With fire extinguishers placed around the office, a minor fire can be attended to before it gets out of hand. I noticed that in R Company there is no fire alarm system. It is important to install a fire alarm system to alert the staff in case of a fire situation because it could take just a few minutes for any fire to consume the whole building. Therefore it is best that all the employees are notified immediately by the fire alarm and able to vacate the premises as soon as possible. When all the facilities and procedures installed to combat a fire situation, it is also necessary to educate the employees on how to use them. A safety committee should be set up to continuously educate the employees on safety and how to react during an emergency situation. The committee is responsible to provide education to the employees on how to use the fire extinguisher, identify the different types of fire extinguishers available and which one is best to use in each type of fire cause. The committee can also conduct frequent audit of the workplace to ensure that all fire escape routes are not blocked and all fire extinguishers are easily accessible. By conducting audits, it is also possible to identify any fire hazard in the company and action could be taken before it turns into a disaster. R Company should also hold a fire drill twice a year to make sure that all employees know what to do if the fire alarm goes off. This is to avoid a panic situation which could cost lives. When the staff are educated with fire drills, they would know the correct procedure on how to vacate the building in an organized manner. The company should also provide training for a certain number of staff in First Aid. This is because if there is any accident that occurs in the workplace, the victim could be attended to immediately while waiting for the arrival of the ambulance. This is vital because in many cases, lives were lost because no immediate attention was given to them. This committee should also work closely with the fire department to learn any latest information regarding safety. They should also encourage frequent checking of the electrical wiring in the company because wires tend to wear off over the years. Even though the Tourism industry usually deals with tourists and giving them the best services available, it is also important to ensure that safety of the tourist. To do so it is best to start with the company. This is because without the concern of safety in the office, how it is expected that the safety of the customers can be guaranteed. Often many people overlooked the issue of safety in their working environment because it rarely happens, but bear in mind that accidents happen without a warning and it is always better to be prepared for it.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Explore the ways in which Isobel Dixon and Mervyn Morris express their personal feelings in their poetry

Explore the ways in which Isobel Dixon and Mervyn Morris express their personal feelings in their poetry Explore the ways in which Isobel Dixon and Mervyn Morris express their personal feelings in their poetry Little Boy Crying by Mervyn Morris and Plenty by Isobel Dixon both explore the vivid childhood memories and experiences of the poets. In Little Boy Crying, a father deals with the troubles of raising a and disciplining a child; whereas in Plenty, Dixon describes her youth when she and her sisters could not afford the things they so greedily stole behind their mothers back; finally comparing it to her prosperous present. I will explore how the poets use imagery and language, voice and tone, and structure and form to create effects and convey their experiences. Little Boy Crying is based on a fathers true story revealing the how he once treated his son. It depicts the themes of sadness, remorse, and love. Morris describes his battle with fighting the regret he feels for slapping his son because he loves him so much, longs to lift you, curb your sadness. This is perhaps to depict the contrast between the two emotions and the danger of what happens when they collide. At first, the reader empathizes with the boy, however, as the poem progresses and the fathers situation is understood, the reader begins to empathize for him as well. Plenty, is based on Dixons chaotic youth with her sisters. It explores the themes of chaos, restriction, and realization. Dixon writes about her memories of the past, often referring to her mothers anger over the chaos she and her sisters create by ignoring the mothers restrictions, her lips anchored down not knowing then it was a clasp to keep us all from chaos. This shows that as you get older, you realize the importance of order and begin appreciating your parents hard labor. Mervyn Morris use of powerful language helps the reader relate to the situation described. The title, Little Boy Crying, already provokes a sad image of what is forthcoming in the poem, creating an instantaneous dramatic effect on the reader. In the first stanza, Morris expresses the changes which his son undertook since the slap, mouth contorting, laughter metamorphosed, and frame so recently relaxed now tight. The word metamorphosed, exemplifies the rapidity of the change of the boys facial expression, creating a more powerful image of the emotions the boy is feeling. These changes quickly introduce the reader to the circumstances. Powerful imagery of water is seen in the phrase swimming tears, splashing your bare feet, where sibilance and personification of the tears have been used to invoke a more dramatic sense of the boys misery. The phrase quick slap stuck, creates a more sped up and violent interpretation of the happenings; and the use of onomatopoeia in slap, creates a more graphic scene. Overall in the first stanza of Little Boy Crying, many sad and angry words are used to create a depressed mood: Howls, frame tight, frustration, swimming tears, and guilt or sorrow. Such powerful phrases are used to invoke a more immediate effect of grief and a relation to the situation by the reader. The reader becomes more compassionate and understanding of the characters. In the second stanza the father imagines himself in the sons position, alluding to the fairytale Jack and the Bean stalk, evoking powerful imagery of hatred as well, The ogre, grim giant, colossal cruel, Chopped clean the tree [the fathers] scrambling down. The use of alliteration of g in grim giant and c in colossal cruel, places emphasis on the phrases to describe the pure hatred the father thinks the boy must feel against him, signifying that he knows he is being mean and understands his decisions were harsh. The reference to a well-known fairytale increases the readers ability to relate to the situation and creates a more vivid scenario. In the third stanza, the line You cannot understand, not yet demonstrates that the child does not acknowledge the fact that his father is teaching him a lesson. The father seems very guilt struck and at fault that he had to take such measures to teach a lesson, The hurt your easy tears can scald him with. The boy does not realize the pain his display of sadness causes his father, who obviously takes no pleasure in making his son cry. The father seems to regret his actions however stays firm to teach the lesson, Longs to lift you, curb your sadness. The alliteration of l emphasizes the longing however the father stays strong to ensure his son is raised with the correct values. The last stanza implies the little boy has been playing in the rain, you must not make a plaything of the rain. This line has several meanings such as the immorality of trying to get sympathy by crying. On another level, it could be the father instructing himself to take his lessons more seriously and his need stay firm to show discipline. Isobel Dixon also uses powerful imagery and language to convey her messages. The title itself contrasts with nearly the entirety of the poem as poverty has placed them far away from Plenty. Isobel Dixon creates an intense mood using vivid description early on in the poem. In the first stanza the reader is introduced to Dixons memory of an enamel tub, age-stained and pocked upon its griffin claws, never full. Such an image conveys the impression that that the family cannot afford proper equipment such as a bathtub and is unable to fill it with water as it is too costly and in short supply. Water is recognized as a representation of their deprivation from basic necessities in the ongoing expanse of drought where dams leaked dry and windmills stalled. The alliteration of d in the phrase drought where dams leaked dry, enhances the effectiveness of the image created by making them more prominent in the description. The stalled windmills are subsequently compared with the mothers smile, Like mommys smile. This infers that her smile has stalled. Dixon uses metaphors to describe her mothers frown, a clasp to keep us all from chaos. The metaphor is used to create a more vivid image of the mothers efforts to keep the family together. Additionally, the onomatopoeia of the word clasp creates a more powerful picture. Many cases of sibilance are found in the phrase she saw it always, snapping locks and straps, the spilling: sums and worries, shopping lists The ongoing repetition of the consonant s creates an almost explosive ringing. The poet uses contradictory phrases to exaggerate their meaning in the oxymoron, each month was weeks too long. A month is always an exact number of weeks long; however Dixon implies that they never had enough money to cover an entire months worth of spending. In the penultimate stanza, when describing the present, Dixon uses enjambment in the line waters plentiful, to excess, almost, here./ This creates a slower progression in the poem and exemplifies how she is disregarding all her previous worries about taking another precious of water. Little Boy Crying, is written from the voice of the father; however it changes perspective several times. In the first stanza, the father is observing the reaction of his son. In the second stanza, the father attempts to view the situation from his sons point of view. In the third stanza a third-person view responds to the happenings, explaining the fathers feelings. In contrast, Plenty, is written entirely from Dixons point of view. She writes in a voice which seems apologetic because of all the disorder she now recognizes she caused, not knowing then, and we thought her mean. Later, she compares it to the present, where bubbles lap my chin. Even though she is grateful for the present luxury in her life, she misses her childhood, miss my scattered sisters. In Little Boy Crying, Morris uses long sentences with small amounts of punctuation to create tension and make the reader keep reading. The first stanza is composed of seven lines, however only one sentence. The stanza length is a little beyond average, and the last stanza ends abruptly as it consists only of one line. Ending a poem with one line creates force and stress to the line, making the reader consider it more. The use of enjambment establishes a greater emphasis on the word previous to it, such as howls, frustration, and tears. This is done to put pressure on specific words, empowering their meaning and adding importance to their effect. They become more noticeable than the rest of the words In Plenty, Dixon uses normal length sentences and stanzas, which contradicts the chaos depicted in the poem. She does not use very much enjambment, creating an ongoing flow of reading. Her use of punctuation varies greatly as in the fourth stanza; three full-stops are used. On the other hand, in the fifth and sixth stanzas, altogether only one full-stop is used. This creates tension when its needed and adds a story-like effect. Little Boy Crying, by Mervyn Morris and Plenty, by Isobel Dixon both delve into the moving childhood experiences they have. In Little Boy Crying, a father resists the urge to apologize to his son for disciplining him; whereas in Plenty, Dixon describes her chaotic youth with her sisters; finally comparing it to her present. Little Boy Crying explores the themes of sadness, discipline, and regret. Plenty, explores the themes of chaos, restriction, and realization. Both poems have their underlying messages such as in plenty, where patience helps us all deal with many of lifes everyday problems. In Little Boy Crying, one learns the difficulty of punishing a child even though it is for the greater good of them.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Siddhartha :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays

Siddhartha    Siddhartha is extremely proud of his ability to think, fast, and wait.   These qualities also allow him to get a job with Kamaswami as a merchant. These are basically Siddhartha's life achievements.   Being able to do these things shows he is intelligent and more than able to do most tasks.   This is probably why he flaunts it, and is proud of these abilities so much.   In this essay I will discuss each of these abilities individually, and show how they apply to his life, what they do to teach him, or show him, and also show how they help him or hinder him in various situations.      Ã‚  Ã‚   The ability to think obviously is something to be proud of.   When a man can think on any topic, give feedback, and reflect on it, they are considered very valuable in any situation or job.   When Kamaswami first meets Siddhartha, he is instantly impressed with his ability to read and write.   We see how this ability to think can gain a man instant respect.   All Siddhartha's life he has been reading, writing, meditating, and studying.   It is quite evident tat if you or I worked that hard, we would feel the same achievement he has, and try to apply our abilities to anything we do.   Aside from thinking though, Kamaswami is also very impressed with waiting as we see when he says, "Writing is good, thinking is better.   Cleverness is good, patience is better."      Ã‚  Ã‚   As much as Siddhartha thinks, his ability to wait is something that really defines his character even better.   This is also incorporates with fasting, as well as thinking, but by itself waiting is extremely important. I have found, in all my years, myself to be quite impatient.   This will probably harm me later in my life.   The ability to wait also spurs the ability to think, and fast.   Throughout all his studies, Siddhartha had to wait out the array of different teachings he went through to know truly in his heart, that they didn't apply to him.   To wait on something shows wisdom, and maturity.   These are traits that no good businessman can ignore, as Kamaswami realizes.   That is a major reason Siddhartha was hired.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Lastly, fasting is something that once again requires patience, and deep

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Truman Show Essay example -- Papers

'The Truman Show' is the story of a baby who is bought by a television company at birth. He becomes the star of the television programme, but he has no idea that his life is being filmed. All the people in his life, such as his wife, best friend, and colleagues are actors. There are no set scripts. There are three different worlds shown in the film: Truman's world, the producer's world, and the real world when we see the viewers watching the programme in the homes. The film starts when Truman is twenty-nine. We see him begin to become suspicious, by odd occurrences, such as a light falling from the sky, the way his friends and family advertise things, and people that accidentally get on the show and tell him things. Truman has always wanted to travel, but obviously he can't because the set of 'The Truman Show' is only one town. He saw his father 'die' whilst they were sailing together, and the fictional director of 'The Truman Show' did this so Truman would be thalassophobic, and wouldn't want to travel that way. Eventually he wants to get out of the town because of all these suspicions, and he gets delayed for ages trying to go by car. He plucks up the courage to go by boat and after sailing for a while he hits a backdrop with clouds painted on it. Christof's voice is heard and he speaks to Truman, though he can't be seen. He tries to persuade Truman to stay in the world he created for him, and tells him that he is the star of a television show. Truman finds a door, and after some conversing with Christof, he leaves. The director's intentions ------------------------- Peter Weir was the director of the film, 'The Tru... as a busy pub all watching, the two old ladies, the security guards, the man in the bath, and Sylvia. We also see shots from the producers control room, so in this last sequence we see from all of the three worlds that we se at different stages in the film. Up until now, the different worlds are shown, but they're quite spaced out in the film. In this last sequence, we see them a lot more regularly, instead of just Truman's. It almost seems that we see from the audience more to show that Truman is going to be in that world soon. People from the different worlds are coming together, because Truman's left, and the production team will all be out of jobs. This is important because there is a lot in the film saying that the real world is a bad place, but in the end it's where we all come from, and where we all belong.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Understanding of Poverty in Ireland Today

What is your understanding of poverty in Ireland today? What would you identify as possible responces? My understanding of poverty in Ireland today is that it is multifaceted and covers a range of social issues such as lack of education, social exclusion and marginalisation. In the main body of this essay I will discuss my understanding of poverty and put forward sever al responses to these issues. I will examine how people with physical disabilities and mental health problems, one parent families, the unemployed and members of the travelling community are more susceptible to poverty.Firstly I’d like to define the two main types of poverty in Ireland today which are as follows. Consistent poverty and secondly Relative poverty/at risk of poverty. People in consistent poverty have a combination of relative income poverty with relative deprivation. This means having an income below 60% of the median and also experiencing enforced deprivation. This means being on a low income and not being able to aff ord basic necessities such as new clothes, not having the money to buy food such as meat or fish, not being able to heat your home, or having to go into debt to pay ordinary household bills.Approximately 5% of people in Ireland fit into this category. People in Relative poverty. This means having an income that is below 60% of the median income (the median is the mid-point on the scale of incomes in Ireland). In 2010, that was an income of below â‚ ¬207. 57 a week for an adult. Whilst people who fall into this category may be able to pay their rent they may not be able to cover the costs of utility bills or perhaps not be able to afford to go out for a meal once a month or to participate socially.Approximately 15% of people in Ireland fall into this category. According to the Combat Poverty Agency the people most at risk from poverty in the following order are lone parents, the unemployed, people with disabilities or mental health problems, children and the elderly. The effects of poverty in Ireland include social exclusion from normal activities leading to alienation preventing them from developing their skills and talents , lack of access to mainstream financial services which in some cases will lead to people using illegal mone y lenders who charge igher interest rates which in turn puts them in more debt, long term effects on their mental health leading in some cases to depression due to their lack of a sense of self worth or belonging and physical health problems due to bad nutrition, inability to gain well paid jobs, and in the case of children, bullying at school which in turn may cause depression or suicide or that they may drop out of school early. Lone parents are 3 times more likely to be in poverty than the rest of society as a result of expensive childcare and lower levels of education which leads in turn to low paid work.They find it extremely difficult to access adequate childcare which in turn means they are unable to f urther their education. Also the financial cost of transition from social welfare to employment inhibits them. They would lose their medical card which is a big issue for any parent who then cannot afford private healthcare on a low wage. They are thus socially excluded. People with physical disabilities have no way to improve the quality of their lives. They may not be able to work at all and must exist on a small sum given to them by the social welfare department. They also require home help just to do menial tasks.In many cases they rely on a parent or other family member for this support which also puts the carer in a position where they can not work enough hours if any at all to earn a wage that would be considered adequate. This in turn leads to the carer becoming at risk of falling into poverty. These people are among the most vulnerable people in society and are stuck in a poverty trap. They are excluded socially not only because of their physical limitations but also becaus e they cannot afford to do many things other people take for grante d. I personally believe that cutting the payments they receive is a cruel and inhumane thing to do.If we do not stand up for the weakest people in our society then what does that say about us. People with mental health problems are also stuck in a similar situation to people with physical disabilities. They survive on a meagre social welfare payment with no chance of employment or improving the quality of their lives. Again these people are stuck in a poverty trap and are among the most vulnerable people in society. These people are also socially excluded from many activities other people take for granted which in turn can lead to exacerbation of their mental health problems.People who are unemployed live on social welfare payments. Unlike people with disabilities or mental health problems they do have the ability to work and would much prefer to be working where possible. There are some government funded initiative s to help people in this category to up skill but unfortunately there are still not enough jobs to go around. People in this category may have a mortgage and/or children to support therefore they are at greater risk of falling into poverty. Members of the travelling community suffer from poverty in a few ways.Firstly they are stigmatized by the rest of society and find it difficult to secure employment because of bias and also because of the fact that they are moving from place to place. Many of the children in this community leave school early thus leaving them with a lack of education and furthering their risk of poverty. They also suffer from a higher rate of mortality than members of the settled community. The children are often bullied in school because they are seen as different and therefore find it harder to settle into life at school.My responses to the above mentioned issues would be as follows: Tackling any problem involves finding the root of the problem and working from that point forwards therefore I believe that early intervention would be a key strategy to alleviate some of these problems. The children today will become the parents of tomorrow so I think that targeting children in schools with programmes designed to raise awareness of the social issues involved in poverty and to try and educate them to think in a more sociological way would benefit not only them as individuals but society as a whole.Putting in place more effective support networks with more government funding for people who are struggling may help to stop people moving from relative poverty to consistent poverty. For people in consistent poverty I think that they need to be helped by directly giving them as much aid as we can give and more importantly try to give them opportunities to help themselves. Nobody wants to have to beg , most would prefer to be g iven an opportunity to make their situation better. Raising awareness in the general community would help also.Realising th at there are many complicated reasons why people end up in poverty and that they are not just a bunch of lazy drop outs would help us to empatise with them more. Also I believe that government policy should be studied in a manner that makes sure that it does not contribute to the creation of poverty. Conclusion: I have discussed in the above paragraphs my understanding of poverty in Ireland today. In the previous paragraphs I have talked about some of the different groups of people who are affected by poverty and also the effects it has upon them.I have also outlined a few responses to these problems. Overall my understanding of poverty leads me to conclude that poverty has been around and will continue to be an issue into the future despite the good work that government and many other agencies do as it is a complex issue with no easy solutions. Furthermore in my understanding it is the way our society is organised under the capitalist framework that also contributes to this problem . We are living in a society today where the gap between the rich and poor is increasing. This is in part caused by the mechanisms of the Capitalist economy.Capitalism tends to push people towards poverty through seeking to pay the lowest possible wage to an employee in return for a higher profit margin. They will also close a factory and relocate it to a different country where the labour rates are even l ower as it is more profitable to do so rather than keep the workers in Ireland employed. In a capitalist system property rights take priority over human needs. For example there are many empty houses in the so called ghost estates in Ireland and also many homeless people but the people who own these buildings have no intention of letting the homeless make use of the buildings.This is perfectly legal in our society. Poverty also benefits capitalism because it means that there will be many who in desperation will settle for any job no matter how little the wage. Therefore poverty st ems from the way that capitalism works. I believe that we need to look at changing the system of government to share more equally the benefits of our labours. We must ask ourselves is this acceptable in our modern society with the high moral standards we expect of each other.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Building a Successful Corporation

A preliminary, albeit cursory review of literature on the topic of corporate success indicates that it is a vital element in the process of bringing about a vibrant economy and improved standard of living (Kay, 1995). With this understanding in mind, the researcher arrived at the conclusion that the topic of building a successful corporation merits further research from several different points of view; therefore, this proposal is presented in the interest of additional research.THE PROBLEM The researcher will conduct this study and write the subsequent thesis in order to adequately define and understand the process of building a successful corporation. Indeed, successful corporations are the backbone of the international economy, and add endless value to the human experience; therefore, it is both timely and valuable to better understand how and why successful corporations are created.THE METHOD The researcher will utilize an extensive variety of written works on the subject of outs ourcing as research material, in addition to Internet research and interviews with individuals knowledgeable in the subject matter. Information derived from these sources will be interpreted and presented along with relevant charts, tables and graphs to employ a thorough research method. THE FINDINGSThe researcher will present findings in a sufficiently technical, yet easily interpreted format, designed to allow the thesis to be utilized as a strategic planning tool for other firms. The findings will be presented with thorough documentation and explanation within the text of the thesis. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of the study is to define what constitutes a successful corporation, examine the case studies of successful corporations within that definition, and provide an overall stronger understanding of this topic.IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY This research is relevant and important because successful corporations are valuable not only to the United States, but to every nation that prides itself on offering people the opportunity to earn a fair wage for their labors; a wage that allows for a comfortable standard of living and the chance to obtain comfortable housing, quality medical care, and all of the other trappings that allow for prosperity and well-being.Undoubtedly, the business community needs to fully understand what success will mean for a corporation, as well as some of the best practices that other firms have used to gain success. OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY The study will center on a balanced analysis of the issue of corporate success to determine if it provides an immediate contribution to the economic, social, and moral prosperity of the United States, or perhaps it is just a step in the evolution of the American economy that will lead to economic growth and prosperity in the long term.The analysis of this phenomenon, by its very nature, will lead the researcher to analyze from a myriad of viewpoints; undoubtedly, there is a political element to the to pic, as well as a â€Å"trickle-down† effect that manifests itself in the buying decisions of individual consumers, businesses and industries. By viewing the topic one of human as well as business interest, a unique perspective will be achieved, adding to the breadth and validity of the research. Bibliography Kay, J. A. (1995). Foundations of Corporate Success: How Business Strategies Add Value. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Hospitality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hospitality Management - Essay Example Human resource department has to go an extra mile by offering effective services to the employees if an organization has to succeed. Competition in the hospitality industry especially in the UK make the human resource department of an organization to evaluate modalities, which it would use to win employees interest to service, they offer. The hotel commands a large workforce, which caters for clients who visit the hotel. Clients in the hospitality industry are sensitive to response their get from the hotels. This consideration influences the ability of human resources department to conduct its labour sourcing effectively or it would risks loosing clients. The paper analyses the strengths and weakness of human resource management of Parkes hotel. Human resource management is very essential in hospitality industry. Definition given to HRM suites the purpose it serves in the organizations. Perkes hotel boosts of its workforce that has demonstrated high ability of responding to the clien ts of the hotel. Its means that the core functions of the human resource department of the hotel are perfect. The functions include attracting, training, selecting, rewarding and assessment of employees, while providing leadership that complies with the existing labour laws (Landsbergis, 2009:2). HRM functions in Perkes hotel thus offers liaison with representatives from labour unions. The strength of the human resource department would translate to success of the organization. Perkes hotel has demonstrated to its employees that its recruitment process is effective. Many organizations find recruitment process as a daunting task because of failure to identify the right labour. The organization announces its vacancies through the organisation website. Many interested individuals find time to go through the required qualification before submitting their application. The recruitment process is usually competitive enabling the organisation to source for the right employees. Employee†™s treatment is crucial factor because it influences the work out put of an employee. Perkes hotel has been able to identify this factor as one of its strengths. The organisation has designed mechanism of ensures good treatment to its employees. Working hours is a factor that influences employee satisfaction. The organisation has designed flexible working hours for its employee in accordance with the labour laws (Landsbergis, 2009:6). Many employees of the organisation feel that their working condition is satisfactory. Working condition affects employee relation because it defines the attitude the employee would develop towards work. Adherence to the existing laws is important because it helps the organisation to achieve the desired results. For instance, sometimes the organisation faces the challenge of many customers during high seasons necessitating long working hours for the employees. The organisation has been able handle this challenge effectively by introducing work schedul e and overtime ratings, which acts as motivations to the employees. The overtime ratings pay employees for the extra service they offer to the organisation. Rewarding employees for extra performance is a common feature with this organisation. The HRM department usually conduct survey in various department of the organisation to identify exemplary performance. Once identified the organisation would offer reward that commensurate to the amount of effort